Academic Language Therapist Certification
This is a two-year master’s level training course which qualifies an individual to sit for a national certification exam to become a Certified Academic Language Therapist through Academic Language Therapy Association. Qualified candidates must complete the following:
200+ Hours of Direct Instruction from a Qualified Instructor over a 2-year period
700+ Clinical Teaching Hours with dyslexic students
10 Lesson Demonstrations with a student
35 hours of practicum
Demonstrate Competency
Complete coursework and assignments
Attend two professional conferences approved by ALTA
Attend Dyslexia Identification Basics training course and Advanced Dyslexia Identification course
This training course uses Take Flight: A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia (Take Flight) developed by Scottish Rite of Dallas. It is a comprehensive intervention that includes instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, reading comprehension, spelling and written expression. Key findings from a seven-year research study include the following:
Students who complete Take Flight instruction show significant growth in all areas of reading skill.
Follow-up research with children who completed treatment indicates that students maintain the benefits of instruction on word reading skills and continue to improve in reading comprehension after one year.
Take Flight is effective when used in schools by teachers with advanced training in treating learning disorders.
Students with the lowest reading skills acquire the strongest gains from Take Flight instruction.
-retrieved from Texas Scottish Rite Hospital web site on 3/10/20
The course offers training in the following:
Educational identification of dyslexia
Characteristics of dyslexia
Take Flight: A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia, a multisensory, structured approach to teaching:
alphabet/dictionary skills
phonemic awareness
phonic skills
comprehension skills
written expression
Classroom strategies and techniques used for students with dyslexia
Conducting parent and teacher information seminars
Ethical standards of the profession
504 and IDEA laws
Dysgraphia remediation
The Role of Executive Function